Vintage 1926 Photo of Italian Americans Gathered at St. Anthony’s Church in Downtown Buffalo

Your Italian Heritage experience at our Festival will begin at our beautiful Centro Culturale Italiano on the corner of Delaware and Hertel Avenues, a real treasure of the Italian community of Buffalo. Start by a walk through the authentically Italian “Russell Salvatore Piazza” complete with a beautiful flower filled ornate fountain from Ravanusa Sicily. Take in the breeze and sit and watch the world go by on the beautiful Sicilian mosaic park benches in the courtyard. Whether it is visiting our bocce court, making crafts with the bambini or browsing our cultural stands selling wonderful handicrafts from Italy, there is something for everyone in the Piazza. Trace your Italian roots as you speak with our most knowledgeable genealogists. There will be limited accessibility to the center where you may enjoy a delicious espresso and biscotti or cool off with a chilled Pellegrino at the espresso bar. 

Festival attendees of all ages will be able to compete in the very popular “Ilio DiPaolo Grape Stomp” to win a coveted Grape Stomp Medal at 1, 3, 5 and 7pm each day. Returning also and very popular with the children are the “Sicilian Puppet Shows” scheduled for 12, 2, 4, 6 and 8pm every day. The highly desired face painting for little ones will also be returning this year as well.

Our devotion to St. Anthony of Padua continues with a beautiful devotional display of our over 100 year old statue with all monies pinned to the statue benefitting our Italian Mother Church of St. Anthony of Padua right here in Buffalo. Join the procession with our statue on Sunday. An Italian Mass is currently in the works for Sunday morning. More information on this will become available shortly. Please consult our website for all the latest updates and details along with finalized times for cultural events. Looking forward to seeing you there!

      VIVA  L’ITALIA!!!

Peter LoJacono           

Vice President / Heritage Coordinator



Word/Phrase Meaning
Ciao Hi/Bye
Buon Giorno Good Morning
Buon Pomeriggio Good Afternoon
Buona Sera Good Evening
Buona Notte Good Night
Arrivederci See You Later?
Come Stai? How Are You
Sto Bene I am Well
Mangia Eat
Word/Phrase Meaning
Bevi Drink
Delizioso Delicious
Parli Italiano Do You Speak Italian?
Si Yes
No No
Per Favore Please
Grazie Thank You
Prego You are Welcome
Scusa/Mi Scusa Excuse Me